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Baul tradition, a unique heritage of Bengali folk music

Baul tradition, a unique heritage of Bengali folk music

By Biswamoy Mukherjee Kolkata, Aug 20 (UNI) Baul, the most popular and widely known folk music of Bengal, occupies an important place in the state's culture and heritage.
The Baul tradition, a unique heritage of Bengali folk music, has been influenced by regional music traditions.
The songs are meant to find god within oneself and not to search for god in any temple or mosque.
The lyrics are highly spiritual.
Although, the origin of the bauls continues to baffle historians, the word first appears in Bengali texts as early as the 15th century.
Baul music celebrates celestial love in earthly terms, and the music famously transcends religion.
The word Baul, comes from the Sanskrit “Batul,” which means mad, or “afflicted by the wind disease.
” The Bauls are India’s wandering minstrels of West Bengal, whose song and dance reflect the joy, love and longing for mystical union with the Divine.
Bauls are free thinkers who openly declare themselves to be mad for the God who dwells within us all.
Bauls live like a community, and their main occupation is the propagation of Baul music.
But they are the most non-communal of all communities: As a group, they have no formal religion, for they only believe in the religion of music, brotherhood and peace.
Predominantly a Hindu movement, the Baul philosophy weaves together different Islamic and Buddhist strains as well.
