Nagapattinam (Tamil Nadu), Aug 11 (UNI) In the second such incident within a week, four fishermen from Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu were assaulted and robbed allegedly by Sri Lankan sea pirates at mid sea off the Kodiakkarai coast late on Saturday.
The fishermen, who returned to the Vedaranyam coast on Sunday, lodged a complaint with the Coastal Security Group (CSG) of Tamil Nadu Marine Police at Vedaranyam.
The four fishermen, identified as Dhanasekaran, Rajagopal, Sivashankar, and Selvakrishnan, all hailing from Arcottuthurai fishing village in Nagapattinam district, had ventured into the sea in a fishing boat on Saturday morning.
When they were fishing in the mid-sea southeast off the Kodiakkarai coast, a group of three armed, unidentified men who came in a fiberglass boat approached the Tamil Nadu fishermen.
They jumped into the Tamil Nadu fishermen boat and assaulted them with wooden logs.
The Sri Lankan pirates robbed the gold chain, GPS equipment, mobile phones, fishing nets, and catch and escaped on their boat.
The injured fishermen were admitted to the government hospital at Vedaranyam for treatment.
Based on their complaint, Tamil Nadu fisheries officials and CSG cops were investigating.
Earlier, the Sri Lankan sea pirates attacked four fishermen in Arcottuthurai and robbed them of their belongings last Wednesday night.