Phagwara, Aug 7 (UNI) In a heartwarming gesture, Lovely Professional University (LPU) has announced a cash reward of Rs 25 lakhs for its student Vinesh Phogat, despite her recent disqualification from the Paris Olympics 2024. The university had reserved the money for silver medallist winners, and this decision underscores LPU's unwavering commitment to its student-athletes.
Phogat, a promising wrestler and LPU student, had earlier made history as the first Indian woman to reach the final of a wrestling event at the Olympic Games. However, she was disqualified due to being found overweight by a narrow margin of just 100 grams during the weigh-in on the competition morning.
Ashok Kumar Mittal, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Founder Chancellor of LPU, remarked, "For us, Vinesh is still a medal winner. Her dedication and skill throughout her journey deserve recognition, and we are proud to award her the promised prize money of Rs 25 lakhs, which was reserved for silver medalists."