Bengaluru, Aug 7 (UNI) In response to the catastrophic floods and landslides that have devastated the Wayanad district of Kerala, The Akshaya Patra Foundation has announced an ambitious plan to distribute 500,000 meals to affected communities.
This major relief operation, undertaken in solidarity with the Government of Kerala, underscores a concerted effort to address the immediate needs of those hit hardest by the disaster.
The Foundation has already initiated the distribution of 1,000 grocery kits and is set to deliver an additional 9,000 kits in the coming days. Each kit is equipped with essentials including boiled rice, atta chakki, desi chana, edible oil, sambar powder, turmeric powder, sugar, salt, biscuits, and ORS packets. Designed to provide 42 nutritious meals, each kit can sustain a family of three for up to a week, highlighting the collaborative efforts to tackle food insecurity amidst the crisis.