Patna, Aug 06 (UNI) Bihar Industry Minister Shahnawaz Hussain on Friday said the government
would soon introduce new textile and leather policy and added the government has received
proposals worth Rs 30000 crore for installation of Ethanol industries in the state.
Mr Hussain, while talking to news persons reiterated Bihar government's commitment towards development of the state under NDA rule and said here that several major companies were keen
to invest in the state where the environment was conducive for industrialisation.
Speaking about the motto of the government for development of each and every section of the society Mr Hussain, who had recently attended meet convened by Telangana industrial institution appealed them to come to Bihar where atmosphere was conducive for installation of industries .
He said the government was mulling over introducing new leather and textile policy and claimed
that the government believes in inauguration of the project instead of just laying foundation stones.
Outlining the steps initiated by the state government to ease the process for industrialisation,
Mr Hussain said the proposal for installation of industries would be declared within 7 working days.
He said that S.R company of Barabanki which recently visited the state was enthused with better
law and order scenario. A Pepsi company of Barabanki was intended to set up its unit in Begusarai
and following demand of the land made by Coca-Cola Company the government was contemplating
to provide the same in Motipur Supaul area .
Speaking about plantation of Tulsi plants of Labiate family he said that two companies of
Barabanki were engaged in it .Tulsi has been proved to be beneficial for health especially during
covid period .
The industry minister said that proposals for installation of Ethanol industries for Rs 30000 crore
has been received and negotiations in this connection was on .
He said that the industrialisation would open new vistas for the people of the state .